The main advantage of using 4G (LTE-M / NB-IOT) is to rely on an existing network.
By integrating LTE-M / NB-IOT technologies in addition to 2G, XSole PTI connected insoles benefit from the reliability of the network managed by leading global operators (AT&T, Verizon, Orange, KDDI, KPN, Docomo, Telefonica, Telstra, Telus ...).
Among telecommunications dedicated to the needs of the IOT, LTE-M is the only one that meets the requirements of protection for lone workers.
LTE-M can solve signal loss problems inside or outside buildings, ensure two-way connectivity without latency delays and maintain the delivery of information such as geolocation.
The advantages of LTE-M / NB-IOT:
- International standard
- Power of alliance players: Intel, Nokia, Ericsson, Huawei ...
- Infrastructure in place
- Mobility
- Two-way connectivity with time sensitive services
- delivery of information such as guaranteed geolocation