How do alert notifications work?
When an XSole PTI insole has sent an alert to TRAXxs, notifications are sent to the managers of its group.
A XS Manager manager account is required to receive alert notifications (Supervisor). The supervisor is notified of an alert when she/he is logged into XS Manager web site or mobile App. A supervisor receive alert notifications from XS Manager of all insoles she/he can see in Group and People menu.
Without any particular configuration, notifications are sent to Android XS Manager smartphone applications and to Google Chrome browsers connected to the site with an appropriate manager access account.
Where to configure email, SMS and phone notifications?
Email, SMS and phone notifications are not enabled by default. This can be done from an Administrator account on the website
In the Groups and People menu, go to the Groups menu then Notifications. Enable additional notifications for each alert type by selecting the checkboxes.
Unlike App notifications (in the XS Manager smartphone App or from the website), email, SMS, and phone call notifications must be enabled on a group-by-group basis.
Scheduling of on-call and notifications
Notifications to Managers may be subject to a schedule.
This schedule can be edited by anyone with an XS Manager account from the My Account area.
Accounts with Managers management can also edit the schedule of other accounts in their group from the Managers menu.
It is also possible to deactivate all notifications from the My Account menu.
How should my Android smartphone be configured so that the XS Manager application can notify me?
The operating system of your smartphone must be set up so that the "XS Manager" application can notify you without restriction.
If you do not want to be notified, simply log out of the application and close it.
If the Android version of your smartphone restricts the possibilities of notifications, use in addition the means of notifications by SMS, email and/or voice call made available by XS Manager.
How should my computer and browser be configured to receive and handle notifications?
To be able to receive alert notifications from your Web browser, your computer must be configured to allow them. Here is a 2 steps process that will allow you to choose the right setting and to know who you should call for help in case of an issue.
1 / In Google Chrome, go to the site
=> then click on the padlock to the left of the URL address
=> the notification and sound settings must be "Allow"
2/ In Google Chrome, click on the icon of your Google user profile which is located at the top right just next to the 3 small vertical dots.
Click on "guest".
From this window, navigate to and do an alert trigger test.
If you do not receive the alert in this "guest" mode, it is because the blocking comes from the security of your computer, a firewall (firewall) or your network connection (proxy, vpn, etc. ..). In this case, contact your IT department.
If your web browser is receiving alert notifications in "guest" mode, but not with your Google Chrome profile, the problem is due to a setting in your web browser.
Check if notifications are allowed for the site (see above) or disable Google Chrome extensions recently installed since the problem appeared).