XS Manager allows you to create group hierarchies.
If you have an XS Manager account with Group management rights , you can create, modify and delete subgroups within the group to which your Manager account belongs.
You can also do the same within the groups on which visibility has been assigned to you.
Creating, editing and deleting a subgroup
From the Groups and People menu select Groups sub-menu.
Here you can modify group parameters, create and delete sub-groups .
To delete a group, it must first be emptied of all its wearers, managers and other objects (XSpot beacons, XSwitch relays, building, geofencing zones).
Editing Managers rights
Your XS Manager account must have rights to Managers :
Go to the Groups and People menu select Groups sub-menu.
Here you can create, delete and modify Managers accounts of the group belonging to your own Manager account as well as the Managers of the underlying groups.
In the right pane, select a Manager to see its characteristics in the column pane on the left of the web page. You can filter the Managers of the underlying or higher groups with the check boxes at the top of the page. Note that you cannot see Managers of higher groups to which you do not have access.
In the left column, you can:
- edit the rights of the Manager
- add visibility on other groups to which she/he does not have access (outside his subgroups)
- add other notification means : phone numbers and emails
Notifications in the case of a multi-group organization
A manager will be notified of alerts from XSole PTI insoles present in groups over which he has visibility.
If a manager does not want to be disturbed by notifications from other groups, these groups should not be nested within each other.
In multi-site organizations, we recommend to create a XS Manager Administrator-type access account. These account is used exclusively to manage groups. An administrator takes care of the distribution of rights, managers, XSole PTI insoles, XSpot beacons and XSwitch relays between the main groups. However, this account is not used to manage alerts.
An Administrator type account is simply an account located at the highest level of your company's group hierarchy in XS Manager. This account must have the necessary rights to groups, carriers, managers, beacons and relays.